Membership Details
Please come forward and join us to enhance the professional skills in assessment and intervention for persons with disabilities.
Following are the available membership types:
Life Member:
1. A person who pays Rs. 5000/- can become life member.
2. The person must have completed M.Phil Degree, doctoral or post-
doctoral or any other degree in Rehabilitation Psychology and
Registered in CRR of Rehabilitation Council of India and has paid
Rs. 5000/- to contest elections for the positions on the Executive
Committee (EC) and will have voting right.
3. Life members will receive copies of Association’s Newsletter and
Research Journal free of cost/or at concessional rate decided by
Executive committee. They may take part in conferences, seminars,
symposia and research projects organized and sponsored by the
Associate Member:
1. A person who pays annual membership fee of Rs. 2000/- will be an
associate member.
2. The person must have completed M.Phil Degree, doctoral or post-
doctoral or any other degree in Rehabilitation Psychology and
Registered in CRR of Rehabilitation Council of India may contest
elections for the positions on the EC and shall have voting rights.
3. Associate member will receive copies of Association’s Newsletter
and Research Journal free of cost/or at concessional rate decided by
Executive committee. They may take part in conferences, seminars,
symposia and research projects organized and sponsored by the
Hononary Member:
1. A person admitted in the Association by the EC in view of his
connections with the affairs of development of Association or
welfare of persons with disabilities
2. Person with disability (VI, HI, MR, PH) chosen by the EC for the
period of three years.
3. They will be invited for EC meetings whenever they are conducted.
Student Membership:
1. A person who is pursuing degree in M.Phil Rehabilitation Psychology
or any other degree in Rehabilitation Psychology shall become
student members and can be converted to associate or Life
members once registered in CRR of Rehabilitation Council of India.
The student membership fee will be Rs. 1000/-.
2. They will receive copies of Association’s Newsletter and Research
Journal free of cost/or at concessional rate decided by Executive
3. They may take part in conferences, seminars, symposia and
research projects organized and sponsored by the Association.
4. Student member will have no voting rights.
5. They are invited to participate in the EC meetings.
Renewable Membership:
1. Any person who shows evidence-based practices in the field of
Rehabilitation Psychology or welfare of persons with disabilities
and pursuing graduate degree, post-graduate degree (M.A, M.Sc, or
M.Phil) in any branch of Psychology.
2. The person shall pay Rs. 1000/- for membership and shall be
renewed on request.
3. They will receive copies of Association’s Newsletter and Research
Journal free of cost/or at concessional rate decided by Executive
committee. They may take part in conferences, seminars, symposia
and research projects organized and sponsored by the Association.
4. The member will have no voting rights.

Mode of payment and Bank Details-
You can directly transfer the amount through online banking in above mentioned account or send DD in favor of "Association of Rehabilitation Psychologists-India" at
office address.
Association of Rehabilitation Psychologists - India
3-5-314, SriLakshmivenkateshwara Nilayam,
Vittalwadi, Narayanaguda , Hyderabad -500029
Contact Number– 9959000280, 9502766973
E-mail ID–
Membership Registration Form