Meaning of the Logo:
Saffron : Stands for courage, assertiveness, and readiness
Green:    Stands for Composedness, prosperity, empathy
Blue:       Stands for stability, balance, peace
Swadyaayaanma Pramadaha: It is the phrase taken from 11th Anuvak, Shikshavalli, Tittiriya Upanishad, Krishna Yajurveda, which means “Never Stop Learning”
What is Rehabilitation Psychology?
Rehabilitation is an integrated program of interventions that empower individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions to achieve “personally fulfilling, socially meaningful, and functionally effective interaction” in their daily contexts (Maki & Riggar, 2004, p. 1). Rehabilitation Psychology is a specialty area within psychology that focuses on the study and application of psychological knowledge and skills on behalf of individuals with disabilities and chronic health conditions in order to maximize health and welfare, independence and choice, functional abilities, and social role participation across the lifespan. Rehabilitation Psychologists are uniquely trained and specialized to engage in a broad range of activities including clinical practice, consultation, program development, service provision, research, teaching and education, training, administration, development of public policy and advocacy related to persons with disability and chronic health conditions. (source:
Rehabilitation Psychology as a specialty area within psychology assists the individual with an injury or illness, which may be chronic, traumatic and/or congenital, including the family, in achieving optimal physical, psychological and interpersonal functioning. The focus of rehabilitation psychology is on provision of services consistent with the level of impairment, disability and handicap relative to the patient’s personal preferences, needs and resources (World Health Organization). The Rehabilitation Psychology consistently involves interdisciplinary teamwork as a condition of practice and services within a network of biological, psychological, social, environmental and political considerations in order to achieve optimal rehabilitation goals. Psychologists in the specialty usually work with accredited rehabilitation programs and are identified as Rehabilitation Psychologists. (source: and
Rehabilitation Council of India defines:
Rehabilitation psychology is recognized as clinical specialty within the broad areas of psychology and the role of rehabilitation psychologist is conceptualized within the scientist-practioner model. The trained professionals are expected to help and assist persons suffering from a wide variety of physical, sensory and developmental disabilities to achieve optimal psychological, social and physical functioning and to restore hope and meaning in their families. Whether people are born with their disabilities or acquire them later in life, rehabilitation psychologists help them address their psychological issues, reclaim their sense of belonging and assist them lead a functional, fulfilling and meaningful lives in the world.
The services provided by rehabilitation psychologists include: assessment, psychological counseling and therapies, wellness promotion, stress/conflict management, supportive measures for caregivers, education and consultation to involved community members, such as employers or teachers, and referrals to other specialists when needed. Also, they assists in a broad range of services including program development, service provision, research, education, administration and public policy on empowerment and rights issues. (source:
Aims and objectives of the Association:
- To work for the overall Psychological Rehabilitation of the persons who have physical, sensory, cognitive and developmental and emotional disabilities associated with visual impairment, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation and cognitive impairment in accordance with Persons With Disability Act(PWD)-1995
- To develop and implement various programs, Psychological Assessment tools, intervention programs for Rehabilitation and its sustenance for persons with disabilities
- To advocate equal opportunities and barrier free environment for persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups according to PWD Act-1995
- To extend services and advisory committee for Central Government, State Government and other bodies and Non-Government Organizations and social and Psychological Service Institutes and National Institutes on various aspects of disability including legislative and administrative matters.
- To advocate, implement and promote, PWD Act-1995, National Trust Act-1996 and Rehabilitation Council of India Act-2000 and United Nations Convention of Rights of Persons with disabilities (UNCRPD) and any such acts and resolutions that come in future in India and any body to which India is signatory member in the field of rights of persons with disabilities.
- To establish community based rehabilitation centers as per NT Act, PWD Act in different regions of India
- To bring awareness, sensitize, identification and Rehabilitative intervention among general public and scientific community about the causes and prevention of disabilities of infancy, early childhood, adolescence and adult stages of human life.
- To assist voluntary organizations in implementation of rehabilitation programs in association with national and international agencies.
- To provide technical support to Rehabilitation Psychologist Professionals as per reference of RCI
- To bring awareness and work along with interdisciplinary teams of healthcare and Rehabilitation professionals in the field of disability
- To promote evidence-based practices of Rehabilitation Psychology all over India though print publishing and e-publishing of Newsletter, Bulletin, Journals. Awards, rewards to contributing persons in the field of Disability Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Psychology.
- To improve professional acumen though seminars, conferences, exhibitions, and symposiums.
- To Associate and collaborate with regional, national level Associations promoting Psychology and welfare of persons with disabilities
- To submit research proposals related to Rehabilitation Psychology and allied fields to national and international agencies
- To collaborate with other professional and scientific institutes for the advancement of Rehabilitation Psychology and to propagate and advances made in the methods of Rehabilitation Psychology
- To develop consortium for Psychological Rehabilitative Services for persons with Disabilities and Research and Development in Rehabilitation Psychology.
- To pursue for placements in Government, semi-government, and non-governmental and social welfare organizations
- To establish chapters in North, East, South, and West of India in promoting Rehabilitation Psychology