
Dr.Saroj Arya is the President of our Association. She was Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology in National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped.
Educational Qualifications
- M.A. (Psychology), Osmania University
- M.Phil. In Clinical Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore
- Ph.D. in Psychology, Osmania University
Details of Experience
Post Held | Name of the Organization | Duration |
Assistant Research Officer | National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore | 1974-75 |
Research Assistant | National Institute of Nutrition,Hyderabad | 1975-76 |
Assistant Research Officer | National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad | 1976-84 |
Research Officer (Psychologist) | National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad | 1984-85 |
Lecturer in Child Psychology | National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad | 1985-86 |
Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology & Officer In-charge | NIMH Regional Training Centre, Calcutta | 1986 (3 months) |
Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology Head, Department of Rehabilitation Psychology | National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped,Secunderabad | 1986 to till 2003 |
Associate Professor & Head in Rehabilitation Psychology | National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad | 2003 to 2007 |
Teaching and Training Activities
Teaching experience at PG & M.Phil level in Psychology for 30 years.
Research Experience
Research experience of carrying out multi-centric research studies in the field of Psychology, Nutrition, Mental Health and Disability Rehabilitation.
Published 25 articles in National and International Journals.
Participated in national / international conferences/ seminars.
Awards and Fellowships
- Recipient of British Technical Cooperation Training Award under Colombo
Plan, University of London, 1991. Completed course on
i)Gender and Management and
ii) Planning with Women for Development at University of London.
- Recipient of the first prize for the best article entitled “Is divorce a solution of marital problems?” Women World Competition, 1983.
- Recipient of First Prize in Quiz Programme for implementation of official language.
- Consultant Psychologist of A.P.Sports Council (1984-86).
- Consultant Psychologist for Organisational Behaviour and Management, Indian Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of Andhra Pradesh.
- My biographical note has appeared in “Reference Asia: Asia’s Who’s Who of Men & Women of Achievement”, Vol.VII, 1992.
- Biographical note was published in “Indo-American, Who’s Who” Vol.I, 1994.
- Fellow Member of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists
- Member of Nutrition Society of India
- Member of A.P. Federation of the Blind
- Member of International Council of Psychologists
- President of A.P. Association of Clinical Psychologists (1980-82)
- Member of Rehabilitation Council of India
Prachi Sharma is Joint Secretary of our Association.
Consultant Rehabilitation Psychologist.
She presently visits Acha Child Development Centre (Hyderabad),Lotus Children Hospital (Hyderabad) & Ozone Hospital (Hyderabad)
Sharma received her Post Graduate degree in General Psychology from VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, UP and completed her MPhil in Rehabilitation Psychology from National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad, AP, affiliated to Osmania University.
Papers presented at
Authors | Name of the Paper | Date | Conference/Seminar |
Prachi | ‘An un-structured way of Rural Life: In the framework of Adolescent Girls’ | 23rd Dec 2004 | NGO Conference & National Seminar on Rural Development,VBSPU, Jaunpur,India |
Prachi Sharma | ‘Psychology of Rural Consumer Behaviour’ | 24th Sept 2005 | National Seminar on Rural Marketing: Issues and Challenges in WTO Era, VBSPU, Jaunpur, India |
Prachi Sharma, Shreya Chakrwarti | ‘The Depiction of Disability in Indian Cinema Era- 1965 to 2005’ | 15th Feb 2008 | National Conference on Indian Cinema, Christ Collage, Bangalore |
Prachi Sharma, G. Shailaja | ‘ Causal Factors for the Emotional Stress in Adolescents’ | 13th Nov 2011 | National Seminar on Family Therapy, Manasastravedi, St. Joseph’s Collage, Kannur |
1. Sharma, P., Srikrishna,G. & Gopala, K.,C., (2012). Individuals with Average Intelligence And Mental Retardation: Effects of Intelligence on Behavioral and Social Maturity. Germany: LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.
There are many people who have initiated the formation of Association, among whom Shri. Vishnudyuta Punj and Shri. Manoj Kumar are most remarkable. The Association salutes their dedication and commitment towards the Profession.
Shri. Manoj Kumar
Mr. Manoj Kumar. S. P, Consultant Rehabilitation Psychologist and Head-in-Charge: Dept. of Clinical Psychology ICCONS Hospital, Shoranur. Since ten years he is actively working in disability Rehabilitation. He completed M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology from National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH), Secunderabad.
List of Papers Presented
Year | Title of the Paper | Venue |
2013 | “Management of Behaviour Problems of Children with Autism” | National Conference and CME (Cognitive and Communicative disorder, Epilepsy and Stroke) at ICCONS, Shoranur: supported by Medical Council of India |
2009 | “The Effect of Orientation Programme in Different Classes about the Person with Mental Retardation" | Presented at 35th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists Organized by SweekaarAcademy of Rehabilitation Sciences, Secunderabad |
2008 | “Projection of Disability in Indian Cinema" | National Conference on Psychology and Cinema Organized by Christ College, Bangalore |
Research Works
Year | Title of the Study |
2014 | Would an intervention with sensory processing tool of Dunns benefits children with learning disability. presently working Funded by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment. (Principal investigator). |
2009 | Locus of control and use of family support among parents having children with mental retardation |
2004 | Comparative study of emotional disposition and aggressive behaviour among students of physical education and arts and science colleges |
Mobile No -- 9847920690
E-mail ID -- manojrehabpsychologist@gmail.com
Mr. Vishnudyutya K. Punj
Mr. Vishnudyutya K. Punj, Faculty and Rehabilitation Psychologist in Mann Public School, Holambi, New Delhi. He completed M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology from National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH), Secunderabad.
Title |
Mental Retardation and Adaptive Behaviour: Mental Retardation and Quality of Community Life of their Parents. ISBN: 978-3-659-14080-8 |
Psychological Climate and Student Attitude toward Learning in Higher Education, Proceedings of Prestige Institute of Management, (Under Publication) |
Prapers Presented
Year | Title | Venue |
2009 | The Effect of Orientation Programme in Different Classes about the Person with Mental Retardation. |
Sweekaar Academy of Rehabilitation Sciences,Secunderabad,35th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists. |
2008 | Value Orientation Influenced by Movies among Persons with Hearing Impairment | Christ College,Bangalore, Psychology And Cinema, National Conference. |
Mob. No. +91 8527414234, +91 9490393874 , +91 9455428744
Email: - dyutya.psychologist@gmail.com